Empowering South Sudan with Sustainable Water Solutions
Our Programs
Well Drilling
Our drilling team requires three to four days to drill a new well. We continually improve our drilling methods, using diesel-powered concrete mixers and stainless steel pipes. All wells drilled by WFSSF must undergo water testing analysis to be deemed safe for human consumption.
We are an organization capable of conducting assessments, geophysical surveys, advanced-technology well drilling, and well development—our rig drills up to 300 meters.
Well Rehabilitation
To address the need for sustainable water sources, we initiated the Well Rehabilitation Program in 2017. This program is designed to enhance WFSSF's older wells and partner wells by repairing broken parts, upgrading cement well platforms, and installing new animal watering troughs.
Motorized Water Yards
The water system uses solar-powered technology to pump water into a raised storage tank. Gravity then allows the water to flow through underground pipes to water kiosks located at the school, market center, garden, health clinic, and animal trough within the county.
Integrated Water Systems
Water is essential for human development, but its increasing demand is causing unprecedented pressure on water resources. The organization aims to improve food security by monitoring groundwater quality, promoting environmental conservation, and implementing irrigation systems. These efforts will enhance the living standards of South Sudanese communities.