Sustainable Solutions for Lasting Impact

Our Programs

  • Climate resilience

    To adapt to the increasing challenges of flooding, WFSSF has implemented climate resilience measures, such as protecting boreholes from submersion during floods. This ensures continuous access to clean water for communities, even during extreme weather events.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation

    WFSSF is committed to ensuring its sustainable projects and providing long-term solutions to the people it serves. We strive to improve efficiencies through regular and deliberate evaluative activities to examine progress toward goals.

    Our Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) program focuses on all our programs. Annual visits to previously drilled or rehabbed wells include:

    1. Assessment of well status and functionality to implement necessary upgrades;

    2. Retest the water to ensure it is still safe for human consumption;

    3. Meet with hygiene educators to assess the community's behavior change;

    WFSSF utilizes M&E data to improve processes and procedures for future WASH projects.

  • Pump Mechanic Training

    The Water for South Sudan Foundation (WFSSF) conducts pump mechanic training to equip selected individuals with the skills needed to maintain and repair community water pumps. This training covers essential technical knowledge, hands-on practice with tools, and troubleshooting techniques to ensure sustainable water access. Trainees are also provided with toolkits to support ongoing maintenance efforts in their communities.

  • Women's Water Saving for Sustainability

    Empowering communities to raise and secure a "water savings fund" further strengthens the long-term sustainability of the new water source. As part of water storage and distribution system projects, communities establish a water savings committee to cover the maintenance operator's pay and supplies.

  • Women's Empowerment Project

    The Women’s Empowerment Project, funded by an anonymous foundation and implemented by Water for South Sudan, marks a significant milestone in addressing women’s needs in the community of Udhum.

    The year-long project signifies a commitment to advancing gender equality, promoting women's rights, and improving the overall well-being of communities in Udhum, Aweil West County.

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