Dedicated to creating healthier, more resilient communities in South Sudan

Our Programs

  • Hygiene Education Training

    The hygiene teams work alongside drilling and rehabilitation teams, to engage with local community members, with a focus on involving women. The training covers handwashing, water safety, safe disposal of feces, disease prevention, and borehole management. Trainers educate two pump mechanics, two water users, and three hygiene trainees from each village or school to share information with others in the community.

  • School Sanitation

    Sanitation services and hygiene education are a critical need across the country, particularly for schools. Sustainability is a cornerstone of latrine design and site selection.

    WFSSF builds latrines over a community-maintained septic system, and communities work with local companies to manage regular septic pumping. The latrine design also includes a mandatory handwashing station outside the facility. The school ensures soap and water for handwashing are available daily. The latrine design allows for future expansion of additional toilet facilities. Child Hygiene and Sanitation Training (CHAST) is also completed as part of project implementation.

    Since 2018, WFSSF has constructed a latrine at the Piantok Primary School and partnered with Norwegian Church Aid and UNICEF to build emergency latrines, rehabilitate older latrines, and construct long-term latrine facilities in Upper Nile State.

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